Monday, August 16, 2010

Digital Video

I created this movie using Windows Movie Maker, and took me only about 10 minutes to make. Windowm Movie Maker and iMovie are easy to use, and you can incorportate a range of functions like images, vidoes, text, effects, music and voice over. I really enjoyed creating my movie, and as I found it easy to use, it was motivating and encouraged my creativity.

Students can use a video to create a presentation of a specific theme/idea/event, which they can then show to an audience (class, school, communitity). They can commuincate a range of ideas through a digital movie, and have the freedom to use a range of medias. Communicating through a movie also takes away the focus from the child, aiding shy students to have their voice.

I have created a short movie using iMovie for my current Prep class. It was on their current unit weather, and was used as a tool to lead into a converstaion of what they have learnt so far. It contain images of different weather situations, and some weather symbols, which has been a big focus. An upbeat song was chosen to help engage the learners and get them motivated and watching. This was a great way of prompting learners of their prior experiences/knowledge.

How did you find creating a movie using Windows Movie Maker or iMovie? How could a digital movie involved students in learning that enables them to use higher order thinking skills?

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