Sunday, August 15, 2010


Above is my attempt at making a Podcast using Podomatic . My voice sounds really strange as I don't have the right equipment. It was simple to make, although I would only recommend introducing the creation side to older Primary levels.

So how could Podcasting be valuable for learning in the Prep years?

The learning manager could create a range of podcast, that discuss the current unit of work, and are reading the class's favourite story. Students could listen to these individually using headphones, or as a whole class with the large speakers. This would be a great way on engaging the learners, and providing them with another way of learning. Also podcasts could be listened to at home with families, thus creating a home-school link.

In the older years of Primary schooling, students could set up a podcasting account, where they add episodes of their new learnings, or information of a certain topic they are interested in. They would become the experts of that knoweldge. The teacher could set it up like a radio station, and the class listens to eachers additions. This would be a fanataic, real-life engaging tool to encourage learners to become involved, and develop their ICT skills and knowledge.

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