Saturday, August 21, 2010

Scribble Maps

Scribble Maps, available here, is a fantastic tool appropriate for all levels of learning, and all contexts. It can be used for a vast range of purposes, and provides learners with an engaging tool.
It allows students to draw on Google Map, covering all countries around the world. It is free to access, and it easily found on the Internet.
Students can add text, colour, shapes and lines over a map of their home country, town, or somewhere they hope to visit. You can ask students a range of questions following Blooms Taxonomy, and they have to answer using the map. For example, in my context of Prep, you could ask them to place a blue cirlce in Queensland, or draw over the top of Australia of how you think it should be shaped, and justify your design.
The only weakness of this tool is that it requires an internet connection in order to be accessed. Overall though, it is a fun, valuable ICT tool that provides the opportunity to enhance learning of the students.

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