Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Power of PowerPoint

PowerPoint is probably the ICT tool that I have had the most experience in, as I was introduced to it in late Primary School, and have been using it ever since.
Before I share ways in which I have and currently use, I will first complete a SWOT analysis.
- Most computers already have the program
- Really simple to use, and tutorial sessions can be followed
- Creative and individuallity is encouraged
- Many students may have access to PowerPoint at home
- Can be student and/or teacher directed
- Accommodates more learning styles that traditional 'chalk and talk'
- If used inappropriately, could confuse and overload learners
- For learners to begin using, needs much scaffolding
- A range of options to present information: text, image, video, voice over (Provides learners with many options)
- Cna be used as an aid in teaching, or be created by students as part of their learning journey
- I found that while growing up, PowerPoint tended to be overused in the classroom, and often the only tool provided to present information. This may be as it is so simple to use, and most computers already have the program. A variety of tools need to be used to ensure students are engaged.
- Also, I find that sometimes PowerPoint can be overloaded with information and words, that it is too busy, and not easily read/understood, thus learners are not gaining understanding. PowerPoint needs to be clear, concise, containing key information and good balance of words and images.

The following are some of my ideas of how PowerPoint can be used by my students, and by me as a Learning Manager:
  • Presentations for parents about what will be happening throughout the term/year
  • As a hook to engage learners at the beginning of a lesson, containing key terms, images
  • I have created a PowerPoint presentation to help my class with their counting to 20. I used PowerPoint so I could animate it, making it so that not all numbers are shown at once, and with a click of the mouse can be flown in.
  • Students can use PowerPoint to create presentations that are a summative task of a unit, continous learning journey constantly being added to, or as a way of informing an audience about a chosen topic.

Do you have any other weaknesses of using PowerPoint in the classroom?

Also, what other ways have you seen it used, or have you used it yourself?

In relation to the Big6, PowerPoint could be used in stage 4 (Use of information) and stage 5(Synthesis) where students actually have to do something with the information, and engage, extract, organize and present it in some form. What do you think?

Even though I have been using PowerPoint for a while now, I am still always learning more about it. I never knew that you could create images from the PowerPoint slides, which can then be used for student collage, posters or animation. This was also very easy to do. What a great tool!


  1. I also ask....
    What would you do it the PowerPoint presentation you have worked so hard does not work when is comes time to display it??? Plan B??

    This has happened to me numerous times, and is very frustrating!

  2. Hi Teagan,
    I agree with the fact that you can spend a lot of time and put in a lot of effort and then things don't turn out how you want them to... and yes it is frustrating!

    This is one of the reason I am saying that PowerPoint is a Dinosaur tool... let's use more engaging ICT's in our 21st century classrooms. What do you think?
